The Wonderful World Of Edibles And PA Medical Marijuana Laws
In early 2022, Mississippi became the 37th state to legalize medical marijuana. Legalization is just the first step in a months-long process before it reaches dispensaries and citizens. Pennsylvania marijuana laws came to fruition long before Mississippi. However, the laws are still changing, and knowing what medical marijuana forms we can buy makes all the difference […]
Marijuana And Covid-19 : Valuable, Uplifting Fact Checkers
It’s the cannabis news we’ve been waiting for… Cannabis Cures COVID! Okay, okay, so, it might not be as simple as that. But with so much buzz, it’s hard not to get excited about the potential effects of cannabis on COVID-19. A recent study from the Journal of Natural Products on marijuana and COVID found that two common cannabis compounds […]
Is Medical Marijuana Used in Neuropathy Treatments?
Did you know that more than 20 million Americans suffer from peripheral neuropathy? However, the number might be more significant as not all people go through the process of evaluation and testing. As the medical field learns more about neurology, more and more neuropathy treatments are becoming available. These new treatments help patients manage their […]